The work in the office is officially done! Over the weekend we moved all of our junk back in. These bookcases are quite the upgrade from what we had in here before! (
see here) I've spent the last few afternoons in the office staring at the bookcases, moving things around-- basically trying to make our not so attractive books and office stuff look as pretty as possible. After a bit of shuffling and re-organizing (and hiding the really ugly books and picture albums) it looks alright.
The bead board wainscoting is painted and makes that crazy half-wall looks 10 times better than it did before.
Now let's get up close and personal with those bookcases.
As you can see,
Billy got a bit of an upgrade.
The ugliest books of all have been stashed in the baskets. Sometimes I wonder why I don't get rid of those old, ugly, outdated, and for the most part useless textbooks. When I say useless-- I mean today and also 10 years ago. But then I remember how much money I spent on those crazy books. That's why they're still on the shelf.
As you can see here, we put three of the
Ikea Billy bookcases together and then trimmed them all out in MDF strips cut to size. Once it was all sanded and painted it looked like one unit-- not three.
And the bead board on the back instead of the cardboard panels looks so much better. Gotta love the cardboard tri-fold... good try Ikea. Good try.
Doug had to customize the last bookcase so that it would fit around the bumped out wall. He also made a few adjustments that allow us to hide our router and wireless modem on one of the shelves-- I think that's what they're called. I really have no idea what they do-- all I know is that I'm not supposed to touch them. What I do know is that I hate the way the look (all those cords and flashing lights drive me crazy) so I'm currently hiding them behind the picture until I can think of a better solution.

And on the other side of the room is my desk! Finally, it's back where it belongs. Let me take a minute to tell you about my great deal of a desk (because that's what us ladies like to do-- find great deals and tell everyone we know about them). I found it in Pier One a couple of years ago-- regularly $699-- but the floor model was on sale for $150. Why? Because the drawer front was cracked. I showed it to Doug, he assured me that it was fixable, so we brought it home! All it took was a bit of glue, a couple of clamps, and one of those stain pens and the desk looks as good as new.
I have an entire blank wall that needs some sort of artwork. I have no idea what I'll do with it yet. In the meantime, I framed one of Caleb's paintings in a frame I found in the clearance bin at Home Sense. I actually think it looks pretty great.
The far wall also needs some help as you can see. And I'm on the hunt for the perfect area rug. That closet is also crying out for an organizational makeover. Doug, please build me some custom shelves
like you did here!
And the window also need some help. I'm currently working on some curtains that might work-- the built out half wall might make the floor length drapes look funny... if they don't work in the office I'm sure they'll work on some other window.
So, in summary:
Bookcases look good.
I have ugly textbooks.
My desk was cheap.
Caleb in an aspiring artist. At least him Mom thinks so.
Area rug needed.
Too much wall-- not enough art.
Please Doug, help the closet!!
And curtains, what to do...