Thursday, July 27, 2006
We're Moving Folks!
These last few days have been pretty interesting. Our landlords recently sold their house, and last week our new landlords moved in... However they did not think we were going to be there! Long story short, there was some miscommunication that took place-- the realtor and our original landlords thought the people buying the house wanted tenants, they thought they were going to be moving into an empty house! They demanded that we move out immediately. Legally, we have two months before we have to leave, but Doug and I decided that if we could find a place for August we would move and make it easier on everyone. (It certainly helped that the realtor is giving us some incentive-- spa gift certificates and a $600 travel voucher!!!) After calling about 30 different places and looking all over town, we finally found a place to move. This weekend we move on up to East Abbotsford! It's a ground level basement suite-- a one bedroom-- that's a bit small, but definitely a step up from our old digs! The dishwasher is a favorite feature of mine. Anyways, once we have everything moved in I'll post an update-- complete with pictures of our new home!
Just us
Friday, July 07, 2006
Friday Night at the Park
It sure is different spending the week at work! It's been a while since I've had a nine to five job! For the most part, I am loving it! The people I work with are great, I actually like the work, and it's nice to have a more regul
ar routine each day. However, it's been hard to get comfortable with my job since everything is changing each week! The first week, the girl who was supposed to train me was sick, so I pretty much just followed my supervisor around and learned bits and pieces of my job. The second week, I started my training, but it was all in vain. This week the entire computer system that my department uses was completely replaced by a new one. Not only do I have to learn an entire new system, but about half of my job description has changed as well. So now I am trying to forget what I learned in the first two weeks, and figure it all out again! Needless to say, by the time Friday evening rolled around, I was up for some relaxation, so Doug and I headed over to the park to hang out with Erik, Jamie, and Micah. Here are some pictures from our evening. 
Micah had a great time at the park. Every time I asked him to say "slide" he would say "Weeeee!!!". The two of us had a great time playing on the slides and the swings. Here Micah is trying to play baseball with the big boys. Unfortunately, the bat is just as big as Micah! Not only does Micah like the park, but chocolate as well! Micah and his mommy are taking a break and enjoying a treat! Well Jamie and Rosanna, I'm trying to keep up with you girls!! Aren't you proud of me for blogging two weeks in a row?

Micah had a great time at the park. Every time I asked him to say "slide" he would say "Weeeee!!!". The two of us had a great time playing on the slides and the swings. Here Micah is trying to play baseball with the big boys. Unfortunately, the bat is just as big as Micah! Not only does Micah like the park, but chocolate as well! Micah and his mommy are taking a break and enjoying a treat! Well Jamie and Rosanna, I'm trying to keep up with you girls!! Aren't you proud of me for blogging two weeks in a row?

Summer Fun,
the good old days,
Toews family
Monday, July 03, 2006
Happy Canada Day!!!

As you can see, the boys sure had a great time doing other things as well. Isn't my husband a talented photographer? He manages to take all the best shots.
After the fireworks, it was decided that we definitely needed some McDonalds. However, when we got there, we realized that only the drive-thru was open. No worrries-- we decided to have a little tailgate party in the parking lot. It sure felt like we were in high school again-- sitting on the pavement eating our McDonalds. It was the perfect end to a great day.

Summer Fun,
the good old days,
Toews family
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