1. When is the baby due? The official due date is September 1st. We were a little unsure of the actual due date, since this baby was a bit of a surprise. The ultrasound confirmed the date however, so we should have a baby late August or early September (which unfortunately means I will be very pregnant in the heat of summer). As of this weekend I am 14 weeks pregnant!
2. Were we trying? Well, kind of. Let's just say we decided to stop being careful one day to see what would happen, and the next month we realized that there was a baby!
3. How have I been feeling? For the most part, I haven't it too bad. A little sick in the mornings when I first get up, but as long as I keep eating, I don't feel nauseous. However, I have been extremely tired. I've started going to bed at about 9 pm each night, and sometimes earlier. Friday nights are the worst after a long week of work.
4. Am I getting fat? You bet! I've already started out growing some of pants, and getting dressed for work each morning is starting to become a challenge. I'm in that horrible in-between stage of being too big for my regular clothes, but too small for maternity clothes.
I think that's all I've got right now! If anyone has any other questions, I'll do my best to answer them! And finally, (Trish & Ang) here's the pics of my new haircut (which is now 2 months old) and my new body!

You know that we are thrilled that you and Doug are expecting a baby. How exciting! And yes, we see the evidence of our growing grandchild.
Mom and Dad Toews
Yay Elissa - I'm glad you finally posted :) You look awesome and Erik and I are SO excited for you guys! I can't wait to have another 'Mommy' in the family!
Congratulations, guys!!!!! Jamie let me in on the little secret about a week ago! That is very exciting! Elissa, you look really cute! And, you'll be out of that awkward stage really soon-but yes, it's hard to just look "fat" not pregnant and not have a THING to wear! Anyways, glad to hear you are feeling as well as can be expected, and hope the rest continues without a hitch!
Hi Elissa,
I'm a friend of Jamie's and just wanted to congratulate you on the recent news! Very exciting! I hope you have a great pregnancy...the tiredness passes soon (it did for me, so i hope it does for you!) and then you'll begin feeling the baby kick. very exciting, all of it! congrats again!
Hey Doug and Elissa! You look so cute! I'm so glad to finally see pictures! Me and Ang are so excited to come out and see you guys... hopefully it works out soon! Love you!
GUYS!!! We're so excited for you. What a wonderful new step in life. You know who to visit if you ever want extra ultrasounds. Elissa you look so incredible!
Just wanted to stop by and say a HUGE congratulations to you guys!! We hung out with Todd & Brianne on Saturday and they said they had had brunch with you guys---and that you, Elissa, were looking VERY cute! Now I see what they're talking about :) You look amazing! (Nice haircut too!!)
We'll be praying for a safe and "comfortable" pregnancy!!
I am a friend of Andrea Dickson's and that's how I found your blog. I have been reading yours for quite a while. I find blog stalking very fun. I saw you at Superstore one time and was about to say hello when I realized we really don't know each other and you might think I'm a weirdo. But when you read someone's blog you sure do feel like you know a little bit about a person.
Anyway, I thought I would stop by to say congrats. That is very exciting and I pray God's comfort and peace throughout your pregnancy.
So I must admit I have been checking your blog wondering if you two were trying and would soon annouce. The delay in blog posts made me more curious. We are excited for you two. All the best as you enjoy your pregnancy and eagerly await the arrival of your new little one. You are looking good by the way. How far along were you before you told work and family? I was only 8 weeks but I was so sick that I had to say something. Glad you aren't too sick.
Congrats!! That's super exciting. I would say the first few months are the roughest. I would sleep up to 11 hours at night and then have a three hour nap during the day. Enjoy the sleep now. You won't get much after the baby's born!! And take Janice up on the extra ultrasounds. That's how we found out we were having a boy!!
Lisa Dyck
Congratulations Elissa!
You look great and I'm very excited for you both. I'm Rosanna's cousin as a point of reference. I actually found out about your pregnancy from my Aunt in Waldheim - apparently she knows your parents. What a small world! Enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible - especially the moments when you feel the baby move:) God bless!
Yeah! Nate and I are thrilled! We love you both tonnes - can't wait to meet #3!
Hey Elissa!! Congrats!! You're looking very cute! :)
Huge Congratulations! We hope this pregnancy is easy and comfortable ;-)
Unbelievable! I had heard from your folks that you were expecting and I am thrilled that the pregnancy is going well. I agree with everyone else...you look awesome! Love ya, hun...LYNN
Oh my goodness!! I didn't know! I am soooo EXCITED for you two!! I know you will both be incredible parents. Congrats!
On another note, I am in need of your mailing address. I have no contact info for you at all. This is the only way I can contact you right now. Could you call me ASAP? I'm at the same number as always, if you can remember that, Elissa. If not, I'll figure something else out.
Congrats you guys!
Congrats on expecting. Great pictures. I love your hair sytle. Adorable. You look fantastic.
Congrats guys! So excited that you are going to be parents! That is so great that you arent too sick! Good luck in the upcoming months!
Congratulations! We heard the news a couple of weeks ago from very excited grandparents to be! Take care and keep posting photos etc. Its nice to be able to keep up with whats going on in your life.
Linda (& Bill, Janelle & Danya)
Both of you know that we are thrilled to be grandparents for the first time. Dave loves to talk about the hip roof barn he needs for all the grandchildren to play in. I love to shop and look at baby things. We can hardly wait! Elissa you look so cute, I am so excited to come in May.
Love Mom and Dad Foth
This is Zac Ens. I live with your family now but i don't think i have met you. Anyways Jan wants me to write something so congratulations on the baby and i am proud to be a sort of uncle.
hey there family people. it's your sweet brother way out in the middle of nowhere. i'm going to be an uncle it's pretty sweet. maybe you should phone me up sometime cause you never do well i'm out see ya.
Stay in school don't do drugs!!
Peace out
Joel foth
Congratulations! I had heard the news, and was hoping you would post it. I am so excited for you guys. Look forward to following all the fun times ahead.
Congradulations!!! You are looking fabulous!!! During that stage I bought some prego (elastisized) pants and then just some longer and fitted regular shirts to accomodate my growing belly. And I actually have been able to wear most of those shirts for the majority of my pregnancy!!
Hey Elissa!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi :) I must admit that I owe you a thank-you for my new hair happiness. Brianne was the one that told me about AJ but the reason she convinced me of her is because of you. She said that you had never been happy with your hair until AJ cut it and I knew that you have pretty curly hair (and I think you're gorgeous!) so if you can trust her, than I can too :) So thanks...it is wonderful to FINALLY have a hairdresser that I can depend on!
Hope you guys have a great weekend!
congrats you guys!!!!! how exciting!!! toews babies are ALWAYS the cutest!!
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