
Thursday, December 08, 2011

It's Rhino Time

When I spied this white Rhino in Home Sense this morning... I just couldn't resist.

I may be slightly obsessed with animal decor accessories.  But it really doesn't get much cuter than this in a four year old boy's room.  And the best thing is-- it's not glass or metal but is made of a hard plastic... this means that it doesn't have to live on the top shelf.

I'm pretty sure Caleb's going to ask if he can take it to bed with him during nap time... because he was just as excited as I was about the rhino when we found it in the store.

There were lots of other cool animals too-- elephants, deer, lions, and giraffes... go get em!


  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Probably not that cuddley, but I'm sure Caleb still took it to bed at nap time. Mom

  2. LOVE! I would have snatched that right up as well!
