
Friday, September 16, 2011

PSL-- yes please

Pumpkin Spice Latte Cupcakes-- I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much better than this.  I pinned this recipe on Pinterest last night and it was repinned over 30 times in a few short hours.  I'm thinking it's probably a winner.  Can someone please make them and let me know if they are indeed as good as they look?  If they are, I may just be willing to attempt a little baking with my crutches over the weekend.  Or you could just bring me a PSL... just saying.

Update-- I have great friends.  Friends who stop by my house with pumpkin spice lattes.  And who would have thought-- a grande fits into my exercise bike's cup holder perfectly.  Now that's what I like to see!!


  1. I NEED this recipe! How can I get it? Do I have to be on pinterest to get it or can you email it to me? MUST EAT THESE!! :)

  2. Bonnie-- just click on the "Pumpkin Spice Latte Cupcake" link on my blog-- it will take you to the pinterest pin. The link for the site that has the recipe will be on the pinterest page in the right hand corner :)

  3. Alright. I'm on it.

  4. My sister just made those muffins!!! I'm hoping she brings one over for me to taste ;) If she does, I'll let you know the verdict!

  5. Yep, she just brought some over (she loves me and I love her)...they are DELICIOUS!! Definitely a 'keeper' recipe.

  6. Oh my, now I am going to have to give them a try!! Thanks for the review Amber!!

  7. I made these yesterday and they are amazing! I am deciding to do a cream cheese icing instead of the whipping cream-- Thanks for the link!
