
Saturday, August 20, 2011

My View from the Couch

I made it.  I did it.  Yesterday went well-- two hours in surgery... about 5 hours in recovery... and then I got to come home.  Is it painful?  Yep.  Am I uncomfortable?  Yep.  Am I bored?  Yep.  (Or as Dave Hester from Storage Wars would say-- "YEEEEPPP!!!)  But,  drugs are good.  I've got Pinterest.  And, I've got my camera phone at my side.  Here's my view from the couch.

Crutches.  Bandages.  Skirt.  Yes, I said skirt.  Much easier to put on the shorts or pants at this point.  Oh, and a fan.  It's hot.

I've got my trusty little helper.  Caleb's been hilarious today.  As soon as I sat down on the couch this morning he ran to the freezer, grabbed an ice pack, and very gently laid it on my knee.  So cute.  He's been bringing me glasses of water all throughout the day telling me to drink.  And when Doug was trying to ask me a question this afternoon Caleb cut him off by saying, "Daddy, DON'T bother Mommy, she's feeling sick today."  Ha ha.

Have I ever told you that I'm a pro when it comes to crutches?  Once upon a time-- a long long time ago-- I broke my femur and spent 3 months in a body cast (ankle to armpits... it was the real deal).  I became quite skillful in the art of handling crutches.  While my shoulder injury does complicate proper crutch usage this time around-- they really do feel like old friends.  And apparently other people around here are enjoying them as much as I do...

And... finally... while we're talking about couches... have you noticed that they look a bit different?  Well, they do.  After all my craigslist sales over the past week I had some extra cash sitting around.  So I purchased a used 2 seater ikea Ektorp sofa from a craigslist seller and bought a new white slipcover to match the 3 seater I already had downstairs.  The night before surgery I had Doug and my dad switch the upstairs sofas with the downstairs ones...

And they are white folks.  Very white.  But they're slipcovers... so when the kids puke and spill on them I can just throw the covers into the wash with a little bleach.  We'll see if it works!  For now they make me happy-- and that's a good thing... because I plan to spend a lot of time on these couches over the next few weeks...


  1. Oh, but you're such a CUTE invalid. :)

  2. I am glad it went well and that you have a good attitude about the fact that you are couch bound for the time being!!
    (Also, cute little kid chair cover! And nice couches!)
    If you need some starbucks brought over, I am ALWAYS in town on Monday's. So just say the word!!

  3. love this post :) caleb is hilarious. i LOVE how the new couches look. and i see you finished that sweet little chair for emerson. seriously, let me know if you need anything.

  4. Once your parents are gone and we're all moved in, I'll make sure we make some regular visits to beat the boredom.
    And you must tell us about the cute little floral chair in the crutches photo - looks like a new find for Emerson?

  5. You might as well make the most of this - read some good books, do some more Craigslist shopping, possibly dream up some new decorating projects...and let everyone else take care of you for now! :) Hope the recovery goes AWESOME!

  6. Glad to hear the surgery went well and that Dr. Caleb is giving good post-op care/advice ;)
    Love the new couches. Very nice.
    Take care!

  7. I don't know where I've been (well, I do), but just got caught up on a few blog posts. Surgery is behind you, and we pray that recovery will be speedy.
    Love, Aunt Shirley

  8. what a fantastic helper you've got :) Hope your recovery goes well and quickly!
