
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

One Proud Mama

While I was making dinner last night, Emerson was in the living room lying on her play mat.  At one point I walk by and find her like this!  My little girl rolled over for the first time!  She was quite pleased with herself.  I ran out of the room like a mad woman to grab my camera and managed to snap a picture of Emerson in action.

I rolled her onto her back to see what would happen-- and she flipped right back onto her tummy.  She's got the technique down-- grab toes, turn to the side and in one fluid motion-- flip onto tummy into gopher position (back arched, neck stretched, straining to see if someone saw her :)  Emerson then proceeded to show me that she can flip from tummy position onto her back.  Before I knew what was happening, she had rolled halfway across the living room!  Suddenly I have baby gates on my mind...


  1. oh oh...she is a cutie!

  2. She's going to keep her momma on her toes now that she can get around :)
    Beautiful, big blue eyes!

  3. she is soooo CUTE!!! :D Yay for rolling :) ...way to go Emerson!
